Oct 29, 2009

Bold, Vibrant or Toned Down, Cool - Rajboori has it all..

Are you looking to spruce up your home with some fun and bold colors this winter or looking to curl up with some soft, neutral, cool tones?  Whatever your wish is, RAJBOORI has it all.

Now pillows are available without the gold fringes.  Stop by at Provide to select your Rajboori pillow or throw.



Oct 13, 2009

Create Your Own Style with Rajboori

Sometimes people ask me, how can I best mix the different Rajboori pieces to create an elegant, vibrant and fun look for my bedroom.

To help our creative and adventurous customers, here are some suggested styling options.  You can see how versatile and mix and match this collection is!  Just remember, creativity knows no bounds and with Rajboori, your options are limitless!  So, have fun!

  1. Rangoli Quilt and Coverlets in Fuchsia and piled high with soft pillows. 2. Rangoli Quilt with Teal Throw/Coverlet and lots of pillows. 3. Fuchsia Throw/Coverlet with Holi Duvet Shams and Rangoli Quilt.

4. Holi Quilt with Teal and Fuchsia Throw/Coverlet.  5. Holi Graphite Duvet and Shams with Rangoli accent pillows.  6. Rangoli Quilt and Teal Throw/Coverlet mixed with Holi, Rangoli and Mookti pillows

Oct 7, 2009

Maison, Rajboori and Europe...

I have been meaning to write about our great experience at Maison & Objet and Paris but life of an entrepreneur has me juggling too many balls to be able to sit and write.  However, I felt it would be great to put down a few thoughts.

This being our first time at this amazing show, where some of the brightest stars in the design world get to display their talent, we went with very low expectations and an open mind to absorb all that we could learn.  And, boy did we learn!

Rajboori had an amazing spot very close to the entrance in Hall 2 and surrounded by textile industry veterans such as Anke Drechsel, Margo Shelby, Decopur, Lisa Corti, Deschamps, and more.  My special thanks goes to Anke and Margo for being so supportive and showering us with valuable insights and advice those 5 days!

Our Holi Quilt was a show stopper and we had people stop and pick up catalogs, brochures and ask more about the unique and quite unfamiliar Peace Silk.  We also got placed in great stores like "nanimarquina" in Barcelona, Blanket Store in Frankfurt and Unternehmenform in Stuttgart.  Buyers, interior designers, personal shoppers, textile designers were all intrigued with our vibrant collection.  Thanks to all who stopped by and loved our collection!

Some key points to note:
- From our observation and the feedback we got from veterans, there was significantly low attendance from American and Japanese buyers
- People were buying but very conservatively.  No impulse buying but they were willing to try something new, in small quantities
- Even the veterans experienced lower volume orders and mostly from repeat customers
- The display in Hall 5A (more design focused) was amazing but the attendance was thinner than previous years
- There were more people scouting than buying

Overall, it was a great learning experience for us and an opportunity to show our products to the European market.  We hope to make the next show a bigger success.

In my next post I'll put up some Dos and Don'ts for any newcomer like us, how we looked for resources in Paris without knowing French and some great places to stay and enjoy.

I'll also explain what a "Bobo" is!